Head to the App Store and download the Clockology app

Apple Watch Face


After downloading the app to your iPhone, you should see it appear on your Apple Watch automatically. If it doesn’t head to your Apple Watch app and scroll down to “Clockology” and make sure the “Show App on Apple Watch” is enabled


Now you’ll need to change some settings on your Apple Watch. Within the Apple Watch app, head to “General”, and scroll down to “Wake Screen”. Change the “ON TAP” setting to “Wake for 70 Seconds” and “RETURN TO CLOCK” setting to “After 1 hour”


Next, you’ll need to open up your web browser on your iPhone and download a “_EnableBeta” file. Once it is downloaded, hit the downloaded file and it will open up your Clockology app. Now you should see a big pink circle watch face with the word “Beta” in the centre. Tap and hold your finger on it, and select “Watch Sync”. Then click on the orange “Sync” button


Power off your Apple Watch. and power it back on. Open the Clockology app on your watch. You should see the pink circle watch face with the word “Beta”. Now you’re ready to install your custom watch faces.

Apple Watch Face
These are a bunch of watch faces you can sync to your watch. To load up any desired watch face to your watch, simply after download desired watch face open it using clockology app then hold down on the watch face and select the “Watch Sync” option.

Apple Watch FaceApple Watch FaceApple Watch FaceApple Watch Face 

Apple Watch FaceApple Watch FaceApple Watch FaceApple Watch Face

 Apple Watch FaceApple Watch FaceApple Watch FaceApple Watch Face